
We want to leave communities happier, more prosperous, and in better surroundings, than they are when we first move into their area.”

Copper 360 subscribes to the principles of the United Nations Development Goals and its corporate ethos that underlines the philosophy that commercial success is possible through the responsible and mindful use of resources, whether natural or human capital.

We believe in being “Stronger Together”

The company’s intent, not only to efficiently repurpose previously discarded mining waste to extract premium grade copper, but to make a tangible and positive impact to the ecosystem, economy and social aspects of the community wherein it operates. It’s about the balancing of financial and social gain within its environment, where all parties benefit from the interaction between them.

Copper 360 subscribes to the concept of a triple bottom line. People, Planet, Profit.

Social Compact

Copper 360 intends to focus its social development activities on sustainable initiatives that benefit the community holistically and, in particular, economically.

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Copper 360 produces copper from rock obrained via mining and reprocessing of rock with a net-zero environmental impact.. Concomitant to this is the phased rehabilitation of the area, scarred by centuries of mining activity, to restore as many areas of nature as possible to its original state, prior to human exploitation.

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Copper 360’s business plan, its processes and commercial viability evidences the triple bottom line benefits of a circular economy. The company is motivated by profit, driven by socio-economic responsibility and this, in turn, is underpinned by its ecological protection and restoration motive.

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Any holes that pock-mark these lands will be filled up, and the natural vegetation and hills will be restored.