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The PWC Mine 2023 report, themed Adapt To Thrive, has ranked copper at pole position in its critical metals list. In addition, South Africa was ranked highest amongst critical energy metal reserve listings, vis-à-vis copper producing nations, ahead of Zambia, Botswana and Angola.
PwC’s 'SA Mine 2023’ report notes that we have entered the era of critical minerals. To make the energy transition real, the world must dramatically ramp up the use of low-emission green energy technologies. What unites all these technologies, whether they’re well-established or cutting edge, is their reliance on metals and minerals.
Nababeep, Northern Cape: South Africa’s sole listed copper producer, Copper 360 (AltX CPR), today announced a significant upgrade of its mineral resources at the company’s Rietberg mine. The total resource of Contained Copper increased by 220% from 25 275 tons in 2022 to 81 200 tons with the maiden and indicated resource of 60 800 […]
The Copper 360 (Altx CPR) School of Mining will debut its first set of courses on 11 September at its Concordia operation in the Northern Cape. The company announced the development of the training facility in August. The school will launch with seven courses: Basic Surface Geology, Sampling, Ore Body Technician, Mineral Resource Management, Drone […]
Nababeep, Northern Cape: Copper 360 (Altx: CPR) today launched its School of Mining, a project designed to close the near-term skills deficit in the sector while futureproofing against forecast shortages skilled human capital. The facility will be based in Concordia, in the Northern Cape. Jan Nelson, chief executive of Copper 360 said that the Copper […]